Gyp was rescued by his lovely owner from Romania. When we first met Gyp his right leg had been amputated and he was lame on his left hind leg which he couldn’t use very well. His left hock (ankle) had a large wound which was very swollen and infected. His previous Veterinary Surgeons had tried physiotherapy over a period of time and treatment including antibiotics but without success.
Gyp’s owner decided to visit the Vetcare practice at Sale to see if we could do anything to help. He is a lovely, friendly dog who captured the hearts of our Nurses and Receptionists from the beginning.
After many conversations about his future, we gave his owner some hope that we can help Gyp…hopefully physically but also psychologically. We decided to try to save his leg. Since April Veterinary Surgeon Angel Ivanov has been caring for Gyp at the Sale Surgery. He has seen specialists for CT and MRI scans to see of there were any neurological problems affecting his left hind leg. They ascertained that most of the issues with the leg and to do with infection at the wound on his hock and some involvement of the bone. Various tests have been performed to work out whether the infection was bacterial or fungal and to rule out conditions like Leishmaniasis.