

As our pets age degenerative changes in the brain can lead to thinking and behavioural disorders. This affects both dogs and cats and can manifest as pacing, apathy, restlessness, appearing lost, going to the wrong side of doors, decreased greeting behaviour, aggression, yowling at night, increased sleep, inappropriate soiling, and so on. A lot of owners just put it down to age when the truth is that there is much we can do to treat it. If you feel that all is not right with your dog or cat, and you would like advice then make an appointment to see the Veterinary Surgeon. We need to rule out other age related conditions including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, cataracts, liver disease, kidney disease and hormonal problems.

Treatment is available for cats and dogs—including a specialist supplement called AKTIVAIT which contains a combination of vitamins, nutrients and anti-oxidants proven to help and reverse cognitive dysfunction.

Look at the following questions and answer them. A positive response to any of them could indicate that your pet is suffering from cognitive behavioural dysfunction.


Does your dog pace up and down, walk in circles and wander with no direction or purpose?

Do they stare blankly at walls?

Do they fail to recognise people or things?

Do they walk away from or avoid being petted?

Do they struggle to find dropped food?

Do they toilet in areas they previously wouldn’t?


Do they ever appear lost or disorientated?

Are they less friendly?

Are they more introverted and less interested in attention?

Are they more grumpy or aggressive?

Do they sleep more during the day and less at night?

Do they struggle to settle and are more restless?

Have they started toileting indoors?

Do they spend more time indoors?

Do they spend less time playing?

Are they less interactive with other pets?

Have they started crying or yowling at night for no reason?

If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, then come and see us and we will see what we can do to help.