For some, being overweight (where the levels of body fat are over the levels considered optimum) or being obese (being overweight to the extent that serious effects on the individual’s health becomes likely) is the norm.
In humans obesity is the main driver of incidence of Type 2 Diabetes, and also gives increased risk of cardiovascular disease, several cancers, asthma, sleep apnoea, arthritis, infertility and reduced life expectancy of up to 10 years. Similar problems arise in our pets as well as reduced life quality (vitality and zest).
Some breeds are prone to obesity (e.g. Labradors and Retrievers) but other factors play a part (exercise regime, indoor cats and diet). Sometimes obesity can be a symptom of disease (under-active thyroids and Cushing’s disease). There is also a strong correlation between human obesity and animal obesity.
It is known that overweight animals tend to be present when the owners eat their meals (getting tidbits) and obese animals are often treated more like humans by their owners than pets. 97% of overweight cats are owned by females compared to 87% of normal weight cats!
We can offer treatment and advice for your overweight pets. First come to our Nurses Weight Club to be assessed. The Weight Club is FREE OF CHARGE. We will recommend:
· A balanced feeding regime with regular weigh in and checks.
· A FREE CONSULTATION with the Vet if we suspect underlying disease.
· A regular exercise regime.
· Other ways of engaging with your pets rather than through food.
· Prescription food to aid weight loss is some cases.
· Regular on-going relationship with the Nurses to keep on program.
Many of us here understand the problems faced with controlling our own weight, never mind our pets (some of us attend Slimming World on a regular basis!- If your pet is overweight come to our pet version!
You can read more about obesity and our Weight Club when you read about Chisleay, one of our Star Patients.